OSB Kalevala.
OSB, Oriented Strand Board is the material formed by pressing of flat wood chips of softwood with the use of safe and high quality adhesive.
OSB is the latest development in the field of deep wood processing for making the product of unique physical and mechanical properties.
Board manufacturing is a continuous process of pressing with the use of high temperature and pressure. The board consists of 3 layers: chips in the layers are placed in parallel to each other and perpendicularly to the chips in the neighboring layers.
Thickness of chips – 0,65 mm, width – 5-25 mm, length – 75-125 mm. Dimensions, shapes and orientation of chips in separate layers allow achieving the best physical and mechanical properties of the boards. Construction material of high bending strength and elasticity along the major axis of the board is achieved due to such orientation of flat chips.
The products of the wood processing mill Kalevala satisfy the highest requirements of environmental safety.
OSB refers to the class of the emission of free formaldehyde E1.
All quality indices of OSB Kalevala comply with the European standard ЕN-300-2006 («Oriented Strand Boards (OSB) - Definitions, classification and specifications»).OSB contains up to 90% of wood, fraction of adhesive in the composition of the board amounts to 10%. It provides environmental safety of the material and preserves the performance properties of wood: lightness (density of OSB – about 650 kg/cubic meter) and low heat conductivity.
Actually, OSB is “enhanced wood”: stronger and more elastic due to preserving all useful properties of solid wood in flat chips. The technology of pressing and the composition of adhesive exclude the possibility of board exfoliation. OSB has no such common defects of wood and veneer as knots, internal voids and exfoliations.
Qualitative characteristics of OSB:
- Environmental compatibility
- Stability of shapes and dimensions
- Bending strength
- Resistance to deformation
- Simplicity of cutting and assembling
- High heat and sound insulation properties
- High wear resistance
- Uniformity of structure
The Specifications (ТУ 5534-001-79787960-2013) consider basic technical requirements for the boards in accordance with the European standard EH 300:2006.
Nowadays the wood processing mill Kalevala is one of the greatest domestic manufacturers of oriented strand board (OSB).

80 Shuyskoe shosse,city of Petrozavodsk,
Republic of Karelia,
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